Welcome to the Digital Training Library

Your source for remote and online training with Fit to Fight®

This is your site to work your mind, train outside of the school environment, and learn remotely. Digital training is no replacement for touching hands and getting water it, but it's a great supplement when that's not an option.  Fit to Fight®  has collected seminars, training compilations, class recordings, DVD digital access and more to help you stay training in the face of, well, anything. Whether you're fighting a global pandemic, lack of physical training schools in your area, or just looking for a chance to up your game in a new way, you always have options. 

About Fit to Fight®

International Training Organization

The Fit to Fight® Republic is a community of committed and engaged martial artists who emphasize training, fitness, and realism as tenants of their self-defense journey. It is comprised of individuals who train across the world and affiliate schools who provide the best training environment for anyone seeking a true self-defense system.