Course curriculum

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    About This DVD

    • Mitt Mania - Advanced Basics

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    Mitt Mania Vol. 2

    • Full DVD and Download


This DVD is great for students to further their training by continuing to develop good skills and habits, even if not able to attend classes regularly. Additionally, instructors will find value in new drills to add into classes as well as a bonus chapter devoted to "socially distanced" training.

  • Chapters 1 & 2: Mitt Holding Best Practices & Mitt Principles and Habits

  • Chapters 3 & 4: Number System & Cover Counter Drills

  • Chapters 5 & 6: Touch Shoot Drills & Switch Jab

  • Chapters 7 & 8: Hockey Punching & Power Punching

  • Chapters 9 & 10: No Call Series & Jab-Slip Series

  • Chapters 11 & 12: Moving and Hitting & Finishers

  • Bonus: Distance Training

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